time for the devil

De momento fiquei aglutinado pelo som do duo francês John & Jehn. Juntos desde 2005 e a residirem actualmente em Londres, as suas musicas melódicas, carregadas de indie e pop, inspiram as diferenças culturais francesas e inglesas.

O seu último álbum “Time For The Devil” foi produzido pela Naïve. Algo que achei interessante foi o nome do álbum ser inspirado em palavras de Fernando Pessoa. E altura para dizer, is time for the devil.

"the wedding ring that you wear and love, the joy produced by a vague thought, the fact that you feel good when you look at yourself in the mirror - do not fool yourself : it's not you , it 's me." 
The Devil from "A Hora do Diabo" by Fernando Pessoa. 

"This man on the picture is Fernando Pessoa. He is a portuguese poet and writer from the early 20th century. His short story "The Hour of the Devil" (‘La Hora del Diablo') inspired us for the title of our album and to write the song of the same name. The book came into our hands accidentally. It was sitting on the shelves at my parent's house and John picked it up to read before going to sleep. Before I knew it , he got inspired by the poet's words and few days later, had written a song about the short parable..."  
in john&jehn blog

::time for the devil::

::and we run::
